Hi there, this is Adila Bendahou from ENSA-AL hoceima . I love drawing ever since a child , but I have started to focus on it when I was about 12 years old , that time I was obsessed by watching anime and that's what motiavated me actually to try drawing its characters by copying what I see from their pictures . Over the years, I've learned new things and I've tried different kind of art ( 3D, realistic ,cartoon,architecture,negative..) ., and lately I've started digital art . Drawing is not just scribbling around on a piece of paper .Drawing is a part of who I am. It’s something that I can do where I can immerse myself and zone out in the process or work out my emotions through my art. It’s cathartic, it’s therapy, it’s expression. Also,it makes me very happy when I finish a piece of art that I am satisfed with .

Ensa girls

Chère ingénieur, ou future ingénieur, ce poste est pour toi , enfin ton potentiel artistique va éclater, ce coté qui était depuis toujours caché dans ton seul univers, c’est l’occasion de le faire montrer à la communauté, au monde !

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