Growing up i’ve never admired photographers or understood the talent in photography, i always thought that anyone is capable of taking good pictures if they have the right equipments. But once i started capturing good moments and some amazing places, something will always be wrong with my pictures, either the lightening or the angle of the pictures .. I found that very challenging and it encouraged me to keep trying until i finally take the perfect picture with my little phone. Photography teaches you how to be patient and being capable of seeing things from different perspective, but mostly always capturing the beauty in the simplest things.
 Zainaba Essalehi 19yo, student in Ensa Agadir

Ensa girls

Chère ingénieur, ou future ingénieur, ce poste est pour toi , enfin ton potentiel artistique va éclater, ce coté qui était depuis toujours caché dans ton seul univers, c’est l’occasion de le faire montrer à la communauté, au monde !

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